Hypothesis: Trump wins the election

Knowing that in Trump's opinion the United States should not prevent Putin from conquering the whole world, and ultimately America itself, that in his opinion, the United States must transform from a global superpower into a country of local importance, for which only domestic and not foreign affairs are important, that according to him, America must withdraw from NATO, and best to dissolve or destroy NATO altogether, after which all former allies will remain and feel vulnerable, it can be concluded that Trump's victory in the US elections will completely destroy all the levers of global order, security and lead to the end of the current civilization as we know it.

(Photo: Reuters)

No one knows how this will all play out, but while I was taking a shower, I had a vision of a Trump election victory and how world events might develop after that. Of course, this is only a hypothesis and it may not necessarily turn out that way, but anything can happen. Maybe there is some truth in that.

Trump wins the election

Trump wins the election and finally ends all aid to Ukraine, initiates America's withdrawal from NATO, while showing Putin, Iran, or North Korea that Putin's violent tactics and conquest of lands by military force, like some 17th century, is an effective strategy for territorial expansion today, because The US under Trump will still not intervene anywhere, will not participate in any wars and will allow Putin, China or others to conquer whatever they want.

(Photo: ABC News)

It must be understood that Trump is financed by Russia's or Putin's money and he will have to pay back the investment in him at some point. In other words, the finale may reveal that Trump intends to resolve the eternal conflict between East and West by voluntarily surrendering to Russia and China, which they will achieve anyway, if nothing prevents them from conquering the whole world, as Trump intends to do.

World reaction

After America withdraws from NATO, Putin, unhindered by Trump, will conquer Ukraine and after a few years, having gathered new forces, will launch a full-fledged invasion of Eastern Europe and Asia, and later Western Europe.

However, after the beginning of the invasion of Asia and Eastern Europe, the people of both these countries and Western Europe, realizing what awaits them and being afraid of Putin, will start packing their things and massively migrate to America. Because the new American president, Donald Trump, will only care about the security of the United States.

(Photo: Politico.eu)

Such migrant flows will be astronomical in magnitude or thousands of times greater than what America is currently experiencing from the South. Because many people, who have felt the danger from Russia, China, Iran or other countries of the axis of evil, which Trump will unconditionally lick and tolerate their aggression, from all over Europe, Asia, maybe even Africa, whether Americans agree with it or not, will fly and come to USA.

A new America in a new reality

And just a few million of the current American population will then make up a minimal amount of the entire US population, unlike now.

Everyone will want to take shelter in America, because the US president will only guarantee the survival of the US, which is a very big question, whether he will succeed in this, after giving Russia, Iran and China the resources of the whole world and busying himself with domestic affairs.

(Image: Forbes)

Who will be next?

After all, after they have conquered the whole world, after gathering the resources and forces of the entire planet, they will turn against the United States. Of course, this will take place over many years, decades. Because neither the Russians nor China have enough resources to implement it immediately.

Similarly, this is why Putin is asking for a ceasefire in Ukraine, because he wants to gather new forces for further war. Not because he wants peace, as some naive Americans believe, and not only them.

(Author: Unknown)
