Ukraine - Vanga's Prophecies and Myth of Putin

You probably seen many prophecies of Baba Vanga during decades, but do you know, that this woman died in previous century or 11th August of 1996 (aged 84) according to WikipediaI have a hobby to follow the fulfillment of various prophecies of known for me prophets. To track possible tendencies and so on, where some prophecies I read in early 1990s and still keep track on them.

Baba Vanga and Putin (source: internet)

Mostly because of this I'm interested in what happening in world. Possible to say that I'm sort of some level expert of this kind. Also, all this time researching various other mysteries of the universe, but I’ll write about them later on my other blogs that I plan to create in the future. This one has political focus.

Someone changing Vanga's prophecies over time

What more I discovered, that psychic Vanga prophecies getting changed and updated over time, probably on annual basis, what publishing well known and relatively reliable newsletters.

But as I keep track on those prophecies long time, I specially saved some older version of them, which was widely spread in first decade of this century.

Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain, but still time. Believe there is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing. (source: crop circles)

Version of Vanga's prophecies of first decade of this century

Let me show you, what I mean. Timeline below I saved in first decade of this century, from several sources, which had exact match at that time, including Lithuanian and Russian sources, which might disappear or can be changed with time, what I can't control. 

Google translated version of them below, how Vanga's prophecies looked in first decade of this century:

  • 2008 - Four world leaders are attacked and the conflict in Indostan begins. All this will become one of the reasons for World War III.
  • 2010 - Beginning of World War III. The war will begin in November and end in October 2014. The war, which began as a simple military conflict, will then use nuclear and later chemical weapons.
  • 2011 - Due to radioactive sediments, fauna and flora will disappear in the Northern Hemisphere. Muslim radicals will then launch a chemical attack on the surviving Europeans.
  • 2014 - Most of the planet's surviving population will suffer from skin cancer and other skin diseases as a result of the use of chemical weapons.
  • 2016 - There will be almost no people left in Europe.
  • 2018 - China becomes the new global superpower. Developing countries will become exploiters.
  • 2023 - Earth's orbit changes.
  • 2025 - Europe will still be sparsely populated.
  • 2028 - A new energy source is discovered (most likely the nuclear reaction process is controlled). The famine will be overcome gradually. The first manned flight to Venus will take place.
  • 2033 - Polar glaciers melt. Water levels will rise in all oceans.
  • 2043 - The world economy flourishes, but Europe is ruled by Muslims.
  • 2046 - It will already be possible to artificially grow any human internal organs. Their transplantation will be the best treatment.
  • 2066 - The United States invades Muslim Rome and uses a new type of climate weapon for the first time. The climate will suddenly cool down.
  • 2076 - There will be no class division in society (communism).
  • 2084 - Nature is restored.
  • 2088 - A new disease emerges: people who become ill with it become obsolete in a matter of seconds.
  • 2097 - Sudden aging will be overcome.
  • 2100 - An artificial sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth.
  • 2111 - Humans become cyborgs - living robots.
  • 2123 - Wars between small states. The great ones will not interfere with them.
  • 2125 - A signal is received from space in Hungary (everyone will remember Vanga again).
  • 2130 - Underwater colonies are established under the advice of aliens.
  • 2164 - Animals become semi-human.
  • 2167 - A new religion.
  • 2170 - Great drought.
  • 2183 - A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear state and demands independence from the Earth.
  • 2187 - Two major volcanoes erupt.
  • 2195 - Marine colonies will be fully supplied with both energy and food.
  • 2196 - Asians and Europeans are completely mixed as races.
  • 2201 - The thermonuclear process in the sun will slow down. The climate is cool.
  • 2221 - In search of extraterrestrial life, humanity makes contact with something terrible.
  • 2256 - A spacecraft flies a new terrible disease to Earth.
  • 2262 - The orbits of the planets gradually change. Mars will be in danger of colliding with a comet.
  • 2271 - will have to recalculate the changed physics constants.
  • 2273 - The yellow, black and white races are completely mixed. New races will emerge.
  • 2279 - Energy will come from "nothing" (probably a vacuum or black holes).
  • 2288 - time travel (new contacts with aliens).
  • 2291 - The sun cools. Attempts will be made to "ignite" it again.
  • 2296 - Powerful eruptions in the Sun. The force of attraction changes. Old space stations and satellites will begin to fall to Earth.
  • 2299 - A partisan movement against Islam is formed in France.
  • 2302 - Discovering important new laws and mysteries of the universe.
  • 2304 - Mystery of the Moon Revealed
  • 2341 - Something terrible approaches Earth from space.
  • 2354 - An accident in one of the artificial suns causes a drought.
  • 2371 - Great Bad Year.
  • 2378 - A new, rapidly spreading race emerges.
  • 2480 - Two artificial suns collide. The earth will sink into the twilight.
  • 3005 - War on Mars. Vulnerable planetary trajectories.
  • 3010 - The moon is crashed by a comet. A ring of debris and dust will form around the Earth.
  • 3797 - Until then, all that is alive will die on Earth, but humanity will be able to lay the groundwork for new life in another star system.

It is worth noting that Vanga never attended school. One thing, she had been blind since childhood. The second thing, her parents were poor. While her prophecies are full of recent scientific and I must say, science fiction vocabulary.

This shows how reliable are such media newsletters, which publishing this. In my humble opinion, someone just exploiting her respectable exceptionally talented psychic name as sort of trademark for own purpose, profits or other goals.

Vanga probably talked about Zelinsky, not Putin

Another and today very important side of this medal is Vanga's prophecy about Volodymir. She told exactly Volodymir, not Vladimir and so far as I know, never related specific prophecies with any exact person or Vladimir Putin itself. Might be for specific person's safety.

This happened in 1990s, when only one high profile person with such name was famous. After what all started to consider that she talked about Putin. While so far as I heard, today even half or Israel believes that she told about Putin too.

But today we all know even more famous, another Volodymir, which is Volodymir Zelenski. In Russian, this name is written as Vladimir, but in Ukrainian as Volodymyr. And Zelenski is Ukrainian, how his name is written and told today. And in the well-known video, the Prophet Vanga uttered Volodymir, which seems to confirm that she probably talked about Volodymir Zelenski, which already started to establish new unions and alliances in Europe, what in my opinion as well confirming Vanga's prophecies. The new leadership and future of Europe, possibly under Zelenski initiative.

Myth of Putin

In the early 2000s, Nostradamus' prophecies about the Antichrist, birth of new Jesus Christ, the apocalyptic battle between Evil and Good were pretty popular, what many in Russia began to correlate with Vanga's prophecies and kind of her confirmation for Vladimir Putin, how he gained a great advantage in his political career, as possible new Jesus Christ with his saint mission, how he looked at that moment for regular people.

But with time we all learned, who is Vladimir Putin and that impossible to relate this man in any way with forces of light or God. Contrary, his today regime as we all see is pretty satanic, where they glorify murdering of people, rapes and other war crimes, even giving medals for such deeds.

More than that, from mythic or religious understanding, for Satan is typical to mask as God or messenger of him. So he even claimed the same name for this, maybe to misguide majority of people. 

By the way, I something heard that it is not real Putin's name and surname, rumors, which I can't confirm, which told that he masked his identity for some reason, but this theory today is unpopular.

And all that battle, between Evil and Good, in my opinion today happening in Ukraine, where Putin is far not on right side. According to Nostradamus, after specific apocalyptic battle, if is this, should start the golden age.

Some Russians still believe in Putin's myth

Watching some NEXTA Live videos on Youtube, in which sometimes shown what thinking people in Russia. They shown some interviews, where one Russian woman told about Putin - "this is his saint mission, he must do, what he does in Ukraine and I of course supporting him, he is saint..", what showing that still exist believers of this sect in Russia, for whom Putin is saint.

Such deceived people electing and still supporting him today, and even justifying every his decision, what was reason of this my article.

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(Content is in Russian language.)
